Saturday, December 3, 2011

Signs My Ex Wants Me Back

It can be very hard to tell what your ex means when you two still remain in contact.  They may be affectionate, call you or do nice things.  But are they just being nice to you or do they really want to get back together?
Emotions after a break up can go on a roller coaster. If you still want to get your ex back, it is easy to read too much into everything they say or do. There are some sure signs an ex wants you back. Read through the list of signs an ex wants you back and their meanings to see if there is the possibility of getting back together. 
  • Your ex is the one to initiate contact and still tries to keep in touch. Sure, they may just want to be friends, but more likely they still have feelings for you. This is a sign they may miss having you around. This sign does not apply if they are contacting you because they need something from you (to get their stuff back, to go over bills or paperwork, etc.)

  • Your ex changes their appearance. This sign is a bit tricky. It could mean they are ready to move on and want to attract a new partner. On the other hand, it could mean they want to be more attractive to you so you will want them back. Be sure to combine this one with other signs an ex wants you back to get a the real meaning.

  • Your ex is not seeing anyone new or trying to find a new relationship. If they have not moved on yet it could they still want to be in a relationship with you.

  • Your ex is flirtatious when you hang out together. Unless they are just tormenting you, when your ex makes flirtatious gestures and comments it may mean they want to get back together.

  • Your ex talks about your breakup with regret. They may mention things they should have done differently or talk about things they wish they had done better in the relationship.

  • Your ex goes out of their way to help you.
If you have noticed some of these signs an ex wants you back there is still hope for your relationship. They may still be in love with you but are not sure how to rekindle the relationship. But do not go charging in at full speed, lay your heart out on the table and cross your fingers they will take you back with open arms. There were probably some reasons why the relationship broke up and you need to examine those to make sure they can be fixed.
Your ex may also be sending you mixed signals because they are confused themselves. Sometimes you need to have some time and space to get perspective before you try to get back with your ex.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Heartbroken Can I Get My Ex Boyfriend Back

If you’ve just been through a breakup, you’re probably wondering, ‘Can I get my ex boyfriend back?” at least several times a day.  Every relationship is different, so every break up is different.  But there are some things you can do to help get him back.

Be nice. 

That might go without saying, but some people think nagging is the best way to get what they want.  It’s not.  If you nag, complain or act unpleasant, you’re just reminding him of things he wants to get away from.  If you make things uncomfortable every time you see him, he’ll only want to see you less and less.

The last thing you want to do is drive him farther away.  Be as pleasant as you can whenever you’re around him, unless the only way to do so is to be absolutely fake. 

If you’re wondering, can I get my ex boy friend back by pretending to be this way or that way? Then you have to wonder why you want to be back with him anyway.  You might be better off finding someone who doesn’t make you need to pretend.

If you can be pleasant, then whatever problems you had before the breakup probably don’t seem nearly as important now.  You might find yourself wondering why you weren’t more pleasant when you were together. 

You can’t change the past, but do remember that later when you’re back together.  Point it out to him, and let him know that you did take him for granted. He probably took you for granted too, but don’t expect him to admit it now. 

Some other things you might be thinking of trying could either be disastrous or they could work in your favor. 

Can I get my ex boyfriend back if he has a girlfriend?

This is probably the hardest situation to overcome. Not only is it difficult to be alone with him if he has someone else, he’s focused on the new relationship.  You’re part of the past, and not a priority.  Being nice right now is crucial.  You have to make him see how wonderful you are and how much he’s missing.

Can I get my ex boyfriend back by trickery?

No matter what kind of deception you’re thinking of, even if it doesn’t seem harmful—forget it now.  Even the most innocent-seeming lie or exaggeration could backfire later.  What’s the point of figuring out how to get him back only to lose him a little while later because he finds out about your dishonesty?

Can I get my ex boyfriend back by making him jealous?

It’s possible, but it could also backfire and make him think you’ve moved on.  If you really feel the need to date, then do so if you need that to be happy. 

But if you’re considering going out with someone just to make your ex jealous, that’s not really fair to your date, or you.  Games like this usually don’t work.  Be honest with yourself and others, and you stand a better chance of getting back together with your ex.

These are just the beginning steps in winning your Ex back. They are the initial steps I followed when I lost the love of my life. And frankly these aren't my original ideas. I turned to T 'Dub' Jackson when I had no idea of how to get my true love back.

Friday, November 18, 2011

How To Get Your Ex To Want You Back

There are many reasons that people break up.  They grow apart.  They move away from each other.  They are constantly fighting.  They find someone else.
No matter what the reason, break ups are difficult and painful.  Perhaps the worst pain is when the breakup was not mutual.  You still want to be together but your ex wants to call it quits.
So what do you do when faced with this situation?  You need to take some action if you want to rebuild the relationship.  If you want to know how to get your ex to want you back, follow some of these tips:
Tip #1: Remind him why he fell in love with you
After people have been in a relationship for a long time, they start to notice the little things that get on ones nerves.  Your partner doesn’t do the dishes, they snore in their sleep, or maybe they are always wear the same pair of baggy old sweatpants to the grocery store.  Whatever those annoying habits are, you need to counteract them by reminding your ex why they fell in love with you. 
Did they ever comment about a specific outfit that made you look fantastic?  Wear it.  Did you two share lots of laughs when you did a certain activity?  Try to recreate that feeling. 
Do not try to have deep conversations with your ex about why they broke up with you.  Keep things lighthearted and remind them of all the reasons you two got together.
Tip #2:  Pay attention to his signals
When you try to figure out how to get your ex to want you back, it is easy to fall into desperation mode and focus solely on your own emotions.  Of course you want them back, but you need to watch for some signals that they have some of the same feelings.
If your ex initiates contact, is flirtatious with you, and goes out of their way to help you out those are signs they may want to get back together.  On the other hand, if your ex never responds to your texts or says he “needs some space” those are signs you may be coming on too strong and need to take a different tactic.  You do not want to risk scaring your ex away for good.
Tip #3:  Practice what you are going to say
It is easy to let emotions take over when you meet with your ex.  You may lose your calm and say something you will later regret.  Go into each meeting or conversation with a clear plan of action in place.
If you feel yourself starting to get worked up, try to have an exit strategy in place so you regroup and don’t say anything that will harm your chances of getting back together.
I hope you have found these tips on how to get your ex to want you back helpful.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

What Should I Do to Get My Ex Back

When you break up with someone you love, you go through lots of painful emotions.  You feel sad, depressed and hurt, and you miss them.  “What should I do to get my ex back?” becomes a question you constantly ask yourself.

There are many websites, books, blogs, forums and even courses designed to answer the question, what should I do to get my ex back? But common sense can really make a difference after a breakup.  And common courtesy can go long way toward healing your relationship.

If you’re preoccupied with your lost relationship, wondering “what should I do to get my ex back?” then follow this simple advice.  You’ll give yourself the best chance of getting back together with that special someone. 

Don’t play games.  This is very important, but unfortunately many people resort to this during breakups because it gives them a sense of power.  If you can make the other person think that you don’t care, or you care more than you really do, you’re manipulating them and that can feel great.  But it won’t feel great for long.

Eventually you’ll realize that lying and tricking the other person isn’t a good feeling. And anything good that happens because of it will always be sullied a little because of the lie.

Some people play games where they pretend to be dating someone else, or they pretend to be in love with someone else. This is a ploy to make the ex jealous.  While it does work now and then, other times it makes the breakup permanent because it backfires.

Your ex could be so jealous at the thought of you being with someone else that they want you back.  Or they could decide that since you moved on so quickly, you don’t really care about them anyway.  You have no way of knowing which way this ploy will work until it’s too late.

Don’t be mean. This holds true in any situation or any relationship, but sometimes the anger around a breakup makes us act more viciously than we normally might.  Even if you’re hurt, the fact that you want to know, ‘What should I do to get my ex back?” shows that you’re ready to forgive that person.  If you couldn’t, you wouldn’t want your ex back, you’d be glad it was over.

Now, think about how you’ve been acting.  If you were your ex, would you look forward to spending time with you or talking to you?  Or would you dread each time?  Do you shout and nag? Even if you feel like raising all kinds of arguments, simply don’t. Work very hard at controlling your anger and hurt, and being a person they can miss.

“What should I do to get my ex back?” Be on your best behavior and make your ex remember what drew them to you in the first place. They’ll remember your good points and will miss them.  Then you’ll have a better chance of being able to get back together with your ex.

These are just the beginning steps in winning your Ex back. They are the initial steps I followed when I lost the love of my life. And frankly these aren't my original ideas. I turned to T 'Dub' Jackson when I had no idea of how to get my true love back.

T 'Dub' authored a simple, down to earth step by step plan called "The Magic Of Making Up". And you know, it worked like magic for us. Now we are more in love than ever.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Funny and Inspirational Break Up Quotes

So you just broke up with someone special and feel miserable.  I’ve been there and sometimes a break up makes you want to just curl up in a ball and hide in your room.  But you can take comfort in the fact that even famous and beautiful people like Rihanna go through break ups.  Rihanna has dated Chris Brown, Drake, Matt Kemp and Josh Hartnett (to name a few). 
As you read through this lens full of inspirational break up quotes, you can at least take comfort in the fact that your relationship issues weren’t splattered all over the news. 
For those of you who just need a good laugh, I have also included some funny break up quotes.  So keep your chin up and things will get better,  Remember that even the rich and famous have gone through this and come out of it stronger than before.
Break Up Quotes From Celebrities
  • “No pain is forever” – Rihanna
  • “I hate how much I love you boy, but I just can’t let you go.  And I hate that I love you so.” – Rihanna
  • “At every stage, there’s a point when you’re uncomfortable but you grow out of it” – Kim Kardashian
  • “The best way to mend a broken heart is time and girlfriends” – Gwyneth Paltrow
  • “Breaking up is a natural evolution when you try to figure out what you want in life.” – Usher
  • “I’m not sure what the future holds but I do know that I’m going to be positive and not wake up feeling desperate.  As my dad said ‘Nic, it is what it is, it’s not what it should have been, not what it could have been, it is what it is.’” – Nicole Kidman
  • “Something happened.  Something very bad happened.” – Justin Timberlake (on his break up with Britney Spears)

 Inspirational Break Up Quotes
  • “Never regret. If it's good, it's wonderful. If it's bad, it's experience." – Victoria Holt
  • “You have to forgive to forget, and forget, to feel again.” – Unknown
  • “Love is a devil.  There is no evil angel but Love.” – William Shakespeare
  • “The heart was made to be broken” – Oscar Wilde
  • “Ever has it been that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation” – Kahlil Gibran
  • “The heart is the only broken instrument that works.” - Anonymous
  • “Sometimes I wish I were a little kid again, skinned knees are easier to fix than broken hearts” – Anonymous
  • “Pain is inevitable.  Suffering is optional.” – M. Kathleen Casey
  • “I don’t miss him, I miss who I thought he was.” - Unknown
  • “When love is lost...gaze into heaven for that is where your broken heart has been sent to heal” – Anonymous
  • “Love never dies a natural death…It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals” – Anais Nin
  • “When your heart has been broken, know that someone someday will come to mend it” – Anonymous
  • “Let no one who loves be unhappy… even love unreturned has its rainbow” – James Matthew Barrie
  • When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us” – Alexander Graham Bell

Funny Break Up Quotes
  • “I don’t know why they call it heartbreak.  It feels like every other part of my body is broken too” – Missy Altjd
  • “If someone you love hurts you cry a river, build a bridge, and get over it” – Anonymous
  • “Relationships are like glass. Sometimes it's better to leave them broken than try to hurt yourself putting it back together.” – Anonymous
  • “I love to shop after a bad relationship.  I don’t know.  I buy a new outfit and it makes me feel better.  It just does.  Sometimes I see a really great outfit, I’ll break up with someone on purpose.” – Rita Rudner
  • “Only time can heal your broken heart, just as only time can heal his broken arms and legs.” – Miss Piggy
  • “How can a woman be expected to be happy with a man who insists on treating her as if she were a perfectly normal human being” – Oscar Wilde
  • “There is one thing I would break up over and that is if she caught me with another woman. I wouldn't stand for that” – Steve Martin
  • “I broke up with someone, and she said, ‘you’ll never find anyone like me again.’ And I’m thinking, I hope not!  Does anybody end a bad relationship and say, ‘By the way, do you have a twin?’” – Larry Miller

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Get Back With Ex Now

Breaking up is painful and hard.  But it doesn’t have to be permanent.  Sometimes relationships are not meant to be.  On the other hand, some relationships just need a little help to get back on track.
Follow these “get back with ex” tips and you may be reuniting with your ex in no time:
#1:  Figure out what was broken
Now is the time to reflect on your relationship to figure out what went wrong in the first place.  Those who do not learn from their mistakes are doomed to repeat them.  Think about the times you fought and write down the causes or topics.  You need to get to the root of why you two broke up before you try to get back with your ex.
#2:  Take a breather
They say that absence makes the heart grow fonder.  That is especially true of couples that have just broken up.  If you are constantly calling your ex or trying to keep in touch so they don’t forget about you then you need to stop that behavior.  This is the hardest step for some people but it is the most critical.  If you two had a deep relationship, your ex is not going to forget about you if you break off contact for awhile.
#3:  Don’t take it so seriously
If you want to get back with ex you need to be a bit less serious.  How many conversations have you had with your ex that are full of drama?  You need to remind your ex of the good times the two of you shared.  Your attitude should be “I don’t care if we get back together or not.” 
Of course, you really do want to get back together.  You just can’t let your ex in on that little secret. 
The key is to be relaxed, confident in yourself and have a good time.  People are attracted to people that are positive and fun-loving. 
#4:  Start slow
Now that you are in the right frame of mind to start talking with you ex again, take things slowly.  Don’t jump right into talking about being in a relationship again.  Try to set up a time for a non-committal get-together.  Meet for coffee or touch base at a friend’s party.  If you try to get back together right away you run the risk of scaring of your ex. 
Keep faith that if you two were meant to be together it will happen in time. 

Monday, November 14, 2011

How to Get Through a Breakup Fast

Living life as a newly single can be a tough transition.  Whether you or your partner ended the relationship, there are a lot of adjustments to make when a couple breaks up. 

If you are having trouble dealing with the end of a relationship, here are some tips on how to get through a breakup fast.

Tip #1:  Have an emotional dump
After a breakup you may have a lot of pent-up emotions.  Call up a trusted friend and throw yourself a “pity party.”  Cry, get it out, be miserable for a bit and have an emotional release.  You can only move on after you have acknowledged the pain, hurt and confusion you are feeling. 

Tip #2:  Break off contact
Even if you are holding out hope of getting back together with your ex, the first thing you need to do is break off contact.  Maybe you want to still be friends or care about how your ex is doing.  You can get back in touch with them later but first you need to heal.  It is very difficult to mend a broken heart when your ex is constantly on your mind and you keep trying to stay in contact with them.

Tip #3:  Be selfish
If you want to know how to get through a breakup fast, this is a crucial step.  Relationships are about compromise, being selfless and looking out for each other.  If you just broke up now is the time to focus on yourself.  What activity have you always wanted to try?  Be adventurous, step out of your comfort zone, and fully experience life.  Watch funny movies, start a creative project or go sing karaoke.

Maybe you feel depressed and just want to stay home.  That will keep you in a cycle of feeling sorry for yourself and you will not be able to get over your breakup. 

Tip #4:  Stay positive
When you go through a bad breakup it can feel like the world is crashing down around you.  Even though things are tough now, the closing of this chapter of your life is leading to something new.  Start a gratitude journal and write down one thing you are grateful for each day.  This will keep you aware of the good things already in your life. 

I hope these tips on how to get through a breakup fast have been helpful.  Change is the one constant in life, so try to see this breakup as a doorway into a new adventure. 

If you are interested in getting back together with your ex, check out my recommendations page.